Two lovely reviews for recent Hidden Shoal releases over at Norway’s Luna Kafe. The first was in November’s edition of the zine for City of SatellitesRemixed,

“The outcome is stunning… With so many different remixers it is as expected some variations here, but it still feels like a wholesome album, tied nicely together by the underlining of City Of Satellites shoegazing dream-pop material… And in some parts, these mixes has not just made the tunes slightly different, or added another kind of quality, but actually turned the better part of them into something more, and by that; better.” – Luna Kafe

The second review appeared in the just out December edition for KramiesThe European,

Kramies has with the aid of producer Todd Tobias (Circus Devil, Guided by Voices) and guitarist David Paolucci, made The European into a delicate melancholic and poetic swirl of pop-delight.” – Luna Kafe

Hopefully you own both these releases and are sitting there nodding your head in agreement. If not however then head straight to the Hidden Shoal Store where you can stream Remixed and The European in full as well as purchase.

City of Satellites -‘Moon In The Sea (Slow Dancing Society Remix)’